>Did you eat too much?


Well, I don’t know about you, but I did do a bit of over eating over the holiday. It just seemed like there was so much food, even though I kept it very simple. The day after Thanksgiving, I asked my son what he wanted for lunch and he said nothing because he was still too full of stuffing! 
Then we had friends over for the leftovers the next night and our leftovers seemed to increase as a result. Today I am feeling like simple light foods and maybe a protein shake. My body does need a bit of a cleanse. I’m thinking I’m not alone in this department, so I thought I would share a few tips of what you could do this week to get yourself back into balance.
1. Eat an organic, predominantly plant-based, whole-foods diet with plenty of vegetables and some fruits (1-2 servings per day; use berries and other low sugar fruits). Include a wide variety of vegetables, especially those rich in color (red cabbage, carrots, dark leafy greens). Be sure to wash all vegetables, fruits, and even eggs prior to use.
2. Reduce or eliminate grains; strive for gluten-free grains when it is not possible to avoid grains. Gluten-free grains include rice, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, sorghum, teff and amaranth. Corn is also a gluten-free grain but is a potential allergen for many people; if you are able to eat corn, search for non-GMO (genetically modified) varieties. 
3. Reduce or eliminate commercial dairy products. Look for rhBST-free dairy or raw milk dairy, when possible.
4. Reduce alcohol and caffeinated beverages as well as those sweetened with High Fructose Corn Syrup (most sodas, juices, energy drinks). 
5. Avoid damaged fats (trans fats), deep fried foods, industrial-processed oils and margarine. Select foods high in healthy fats such as avocados, olives, nuts, seeds, organic butter and cold-pressed or expeller-pressed plant oils, particularly organic coconut oil. 
6. Avoid food additives, dyes, preservatives, pesticides and artificial sweeteners (aspartame, Splenda/sucralose, saccharin). Safe natural sweeteners include xylitol and stevia, both are safe for those with blood sugar issues. 
7. Drink plenty of pure water daily, approximately 8-10 glasses per day. Avoid fluoridated and chlorinated water. Consider investing in a whole-house or kitchen sink filter. Bottled water may be acceptable for short term travels, but filtered tap water is the preferred source.
8. Get plenty of good quality sleep (8-9 hours each night), which is important for a strong immune system and overall good health. 
9. Engage in regular physical activity. Exercise, even at short lengths and at low intensities, can have a powerful impact on every aspect of your health. Move your body to get the lymphatic system moving which helps with detoxification.
10. Practice daily relaxation through meditation, deep breathing, healing imagery, tai chi or anything else that calms your mind, body and spirit. Take at least 5 minutes a few times during the day, so you can connect with a healthier, more balanced state.
11. Take your supplements:

  • Multivitamin/Mineral Supplement
  • Vitamin C/Grapeseed extract
  • Vitamin D
  • Hepasil for Liver detox
  • Probiotics
  • Fiber (ensure adequate water intake)
  • Grab the New Book!