>Feel the discomfort and do it anyway

>On a daily basis I stretch beyond my comfort zone. As Barbara Stanny writes, your comfort zone is not necessarily comfortable, it’s just familiar.

Here is what I’ve committed to doing over the next 30 days:
1. think bigger
2. act as if I’m worth it
3. be direct and ask for what I want
4. Talk about money with someone who knows more about it than I do
5. Think about money
6. stretch and challenge myself
7. Remember and embrace the law of attraction
8. Read something everyday about money
9. Observe my thoughts and feelings when I speak
10. Assemble my support community

My Daily to do list:
Commitment, action, reflection
1. Commit each day to do something from this list
2. Action, do it
3. Reflection, thnik about what I did or didn’t do

Grab the New Book!