The Truth About Carbohydrates


truth about carbohydratesYou’ve probably heard a lot of negative things about carbs over the years. From carb-free diets to carb-hating weight-loss fads, the general consensus seems to be that carbs are bad news. Do youwant to know the truth? You need carbs, and cutting them out of your diet can have a negative impact on your health.

Not  All the Same

That said, when it comes to carbohydrates, not all are created equal. Sugars that are added to foods, naturally-occurring sugars like fructose in fruit and lactose in dairy products, and refined grains like white and brown rice are broken down really quickly by the body, producing instant energy. Unless they’re balanced with other nutrients, they can easily be empty calories.

However, the types of carbs found in vegetables and whole grains take longer to digest. These provide your body with lasting energy and nutrition. Some carbohydrate-packed foods can also be high in calories, which is why carbs in general are the focus of such negativity.[tweetthis] Fruits and vegetables have healthy carbohydrates, are low in calories, and pack a ton of vitamins and minerals.[/tweetthis]

How Much a Day

At the very least, the average adult needs around 130 grams of carbs each day just for basic brain function (take a look at this handy carb calculator). If you’re physically active, that number should be between 200 and 300 grams. Give carbs a chance and find new ways to bring them into your daily diet.

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