4 Tips to Prepare for Menopause


4 Tips to Prepare for Menopause

4 Tips to Prepare for Menopause

Unfortunately, menopause is an unavoidable aspect of every woman’s life. Menopausal symptoms sneak up on many women. Most women feel the onset of symptoms around the age of 50, but they can start to occur even in their 40’s.

Menopause is defined as twelve consecutive months without a period, with peri-menopause referring to the transition period that precedes it. When a woman enters this phase, she begins to experience menopausal symptoms such as irregular periods, night sweats, and hot flashes.

Menopause is an inevitable aspect of growing older, and while you can’t escape it, you can surely prepare for it. Knowing what to anticipate and being proactive will help you manage the symptoms of menopause and keep your body healthy.


Tip#1: Understanding Menopause

 The first and most important tip is to understand Menopause. You have to learn and know about what you are preparing for. Try to search various health and menopause blogs. You may also talk to friends or family members about their experiences with menopause. Gather as much information and ask any questions you might be wondering about. Research about the phases of menopause, the symptoms you may experience during the process, and what can help you feel better during the journey. Knowledge is very powerful and the more you know, the better you’ll be prepared for menopause.


Tip#2: Make Lifestyle Changes Sooner than Later

Consider these lifestyle adjustments to keep your peri-menopause symptoms to a minimum so they don’t sideline your life.

  • Eat a balanced diet with plenty of calcium

The bone-building process is affected as estrogen levels drop throughout your menopause, and your body is unable to compensate for the natural bone loss. This helps to explain why women are more likely than males to develop osteoporosis. That is why it is very important to get your daily intake of calcium and vitamin D by eating a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Taking a high-quality vitamin D supplement is always a good idea.

  • Exercise daily

When you reach menopause, you’re more prone to gaining weight, and hormone fluctuations are most likely to be the cause. As a result, before you approach menopause, you need to think about keeping a healthy weight. It is best to start regulating your calorie consumption and stay fit. Muscle-strengthening workouts can also help to strengthen your bones. Try a different activity that gets you moving and your heart pumping at least 30 minutes a day. This will also help to boost your mood which can be a bit grumpy during menopause.

  • Say no to smoking, caffeine, spicy foods, and alcohol

As early as now, stop smoking and avoid or greatly reduce caffeine, spicy foods, and alcohol. Several studies have linked smoking, caffeine, spicy foods, and alcohol to an earlier onset of menopause and more severe symptoms. These can trigger hot flashes, chills, and give you even more anxiety.

  • Get enough sleep

During menopause, there is a big chance of experiencing insomnia and not being able to get enough sleep. So start now with a healthy sleep routine. Go to bed before 10:30 and get up between 5-7am. Keep the routine 7 days a week. Turn down the thermostat for sleep and you may even want to run a fan in the bedroom. Melatonin decreases with age, so you might want to consider a high quality supplement before bed. I take mine nightly around 9pm.


Tip#3: Managing Your Stress

Menopause impacts not just your physical health but also your mental well-being. Stress management is critical because it can worsen menopause symptoms. Deal with it positively by spending time with friends and family, getting a pedicure, getting adequate sleep, and trying a new hobby like painting or gardening (see at Evergreen Landscape Care & Tree Services website to learn tips and tricks about maintaining them easily). Do some daily meditation as well as breathing exercises to calm and steady your mind.


Tip#4: Seek Support

Because menopause is a period of transition, expect some physical changes, which can be rather uncomfortable at times. One of the best things to prepare before menopause is looking for professional help. Whether it is a doctor, a health coach, or a registered nurse, these professionals will be able to help you when the time comes. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are highly effective at reducing menopausal symptoms. If you can’t find someone you like, email me and I can help you with that.


Menopause is a transition that can be managed with the right preparation. Preparing in advance is the key to avoiding a rude awakening when ‘the transition’ begins. Menopause doesn’t have to be miserable. I can help you go through menopause more comfortably so that it doesn’t take over your entire life. I have the tools you need to manage menopause in a more positive way. Being proactive is truly empowering!




Everyone can use a little support. If you’d like to chat to see if I can help, schedule a free call with me. If you’re interested in joining my monthly metabolism reset group, here are all the details.

I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you through this phase of your life.

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