Are there Different Types of Menopause?

Are there Different Types of Menopause?

So you’ve probably heard of menopause, but did you know there are different types of it? I write about menopause often as I see so many patients suffering from menopausal symptoms. That’s why I’m so passionate about sharing menopause info and support with everyone.


What are the different types of menopause you ask? Well, there’s natural, premature, and surgical. Ready to get the scoop on the differences and what you can do to support yourself or others going through this very natural phase of a woman’s life?


Natural Menopause

Natural menopause happens when the ovaries of a woman start to produce less and fewer sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone, and the monthly menstrual cycle (period) no longer happens. Menopause can be determined once a woman missed her period for a total of 12 consecutive months. Natural menopause comes naturally, hence the name, and is not influenced by external forces such as medications or surgeries.

Perimenopause starts several to a few years before menopause and like menopause can bring on a host of unwanted symptoms such as:

  • Irregular periods
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Hot flashes
  • Chills
  • Night sweats
  • Problem sleeping
  • Mood changes
  • Weight gain
  • Dry skin
  • Thinning hair


Unfortunately, you can experience not just one but the whole list of symptoms and even some that aren’t on the list. This transition can really wreak havoc on your life as well as those around you. But just keep the mantra, this too shall pass, because it does. Please check out my other posts with loads of easy strategies to lessen your symptoms.


Premature Menopause

Premature menopause is simply a type of menopause that happens before the age of 40. Women who go through premature menopause experience the same symptoms as natural menopause, only way earlier than anticipated. Premature menopause can be caused by several reasons:

  • Being a heavy smoker
  • Surgeries that remove ovaries or uterus (hysterectomy)
  • A side effect of chemotherapy
  • Hereditary
  • Medical conditions (chromosomal abnormalities, autoimmune diseases, HIV and AIDS)


Some women who experience premature menopause may be at risk of complications and diseases like cardiovascular, neurological, psychiatric diseases and so on. This may not always be the case as some women tend to experience premature menopause while also being healthy. Always remember that the most important thing to do whenever you’re unsure about your health is talk to your doctor.


Surgical Menopause

Surgical menopause is inducing menopause through oophorectomy, also known as ovaries removal. Ovaries are the main source of estrogen production in a woman’s body. Removal of ovaries triggers immediate menopause regardless of age. Most of the time, surgical menopause is done to reduce the risk of future disease or current gynecological issues. An oophorectomy is performed quite often in addition to a hysterectomy which is the removal of the uterus.

Women who have undergone surgical menopause will also experience the same symptoms as those who have gone through natural and premature menopause. This is normal and unavoidable unless hormone replacement therapy is used.


Challenges of Menopause

Let’s face it, menopause can be challenging, not only physically but also emotionally. It can be especially hard if you wish to have a child and now your body can no longer give birth.


If you are struggling physically and or emotionally through menopause, then please seek help. It might be a great time to start therapy and let go of some of those old issues that are keeping you from moving forward. What do you want for the next phase of your life? Now is the time to explore and find out what makes you happy. Remember, self-care is not extravagant, it’s essential for a healthy and happy life. If your form of self-care is having your nails done, it may be beneficial to know how long do acrylic nails last without fill-ins.


Aside from emotional challenges, menopause may also bring physical challenges to some. The inability to get a good night’s can wear you down and put you on edge. Mood swings start to happen often. Women going through menopause are also at a higher risk of osteoporosis. According to studies, there’s a direct relationship between the lack of estrogen after menopause and the development of osteoporosis. To say it simply, lack of estrogen may cause loss of bone mass. Bone loss has no symptoms so getting a DEXA scan is the best preventative way to find out how your bones are doing.


One of the gifts I have found in menopause is not being bothered so much with the small stuff. I work on acceptance daily and greet each day as a new opportunity.


Remember, you are not alone. Many women you know may not experience the same way you’re experiencing menopause, that doesn’t mean you have to go through it on your own. There are so many support groups out there. I have a Facebook group called peri/menopause relief. Check it out. Maybe you’ll find some good info and support there.


Menopause doesn’t have to be miserable. You can take charge of your experience. If you need some support, let’s have a chat. Just email me at You got this!

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