Do you crave salt?

Do Crave salt? I had a friend who confided in me that she was eating those little packets of salt at her desk in her office. She would do it secretly because she was embarrassed. Now she is a woman with a high stress job and several children at home so I took a guess that her adrenals were getting a bit fatigued.

The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys and can get over worked with constant stress and high cortisol levels.

I suggested an adrenal support herbal formula for her. Within a week her salt cravings were completely gone. I also educated her on what salt would be more nutritious for her than those little packets of iodized salt.

Salt is an essential dietary nutrient. Life is not possible without salt. All living things utilize salt. But, there is a major difference between iodized table salt and unrefined salt.

Unrefined salts include: Celtic sea salt, Pink Himalayan salt and Redmond unrefined sea salt. These types of salt contain over 80 essential minerals and natural elements that are necessary for good health. Unrefined salt is a good source of sodium, chloride, minerals and trace elements NOT IODINE.

Refining salt strips it of its nutrients and moisture, making its shelf life longer. The salt is exposed to high temperatures, which alter its natural structure, and it is bleached to make it white. Not something you want to consume.

Refined salt is what is used in food processing. And that’s one reason you have to be aware of sodium levels in processed products.

Guess what? Eating the right type of salt can actually help with blood pressure, cholesterol, fatigue, headaches, muscle cramps, stress disorders, thyroid problems and immune system function.

Unrefined salt can also help to detox harmful chemicals from your body such as bromine. Bromine is found in most commercial bakery products, (breads, cookies, etc.) some carbonated drinks like Mountain Dew and Gatorade, Pesticides in non-organic produce and many medications. Bromine robs the body of iodine, which is a critical nutrient for thyroid and breast health.

Ok, so you say, “my doctor put me on a low salt diet for hypertension”. First, there is not much data to support this theory and none of the data looks at unrefined salt and its impact on blood pressure. Most people who reduce salt, don’t experience a reduction in blood pressure BUT they do experience lower immune systems, hormonal imbalances and decreased energy.

Ok. Now that you know the difference between refined vs unrefined salt, get out and do some taste testing. My favorite is Pink Himalayan Sea Salt. Remember unrefined salt is never perfectly white. Add a pinch to your cooking or in your pure drinking water for a healthy, homemade electrolyte beverage.

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If any of these topics pique your interest, be sure to listen to my Health Coach Donna radio show on, Thursdays, 11am PST.

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