Do You Wake Up Happy?

woman meditating

Did you know that the last thoughts you have before falling asleep will stay in your brain for the next four hours as you sleep? I guess that’s why grandparents always advised, “Never go to bed angry.”

How to fall asleep in a better mood
Meditate! Gosh, can it really be that simple? Yes, think happy thoughts before going to bed. Take just 5 minutes to sit up in bed and do some deep breathing. Take a few minutes to review your day and focus on what went well. What did you feel good about? Let go of the stuff you wish you had done better and forgive yourself as if you were talking to a small child. Be kind with your words to yourself. Accept that it could be a learning opportunity and move on from that point.

I have a whole chapter in my book, A Clear Path to a Vibrant Life, on meditation. Here is a short piece from that section that I thought you might find helpful.

Why is Meditation so Good?

  1. According to a 2014 Johns Hopkins University study, meditation can reduce anxiety and depression.
  2. It can improve your attention span in just five days of daily practice.
  3. Your mood significantly improves.
  4. Compassion becomes present and will continuously improve. We could all use a bit more of this.
  5. Meditation can reduce the effects of the stress hormone cortisol. This effect supports a sharper memory, healthier weight, and better sleep.
  6. Also, it can slow the aging process by reversing premature aging in cells. (Woohoo!)
  7. Pain is reduced.
  8. Meditation can support your heart by lowering blood pressure, slowing heart rate, and improving heart health.
  9. Cancer stress symptoms become manageable.
  10. Meditation can boost your immunity by increasing antibody levels and helping the body fight illnesses and infections.

Don’t be afraid

Meditation can be intimidating for those who have never done it. Maybe you tried it, and it just didn’t work for you. My suggestion is that you go into it without expectations. Just start with breathing and quieting the mind. Don’t make a big deal of it. Everyone has monkey mind. After time, your monkey will learn to be more settled when you stop and breathe.

Meditation is not a quick fix
Did you ever go for a workout or a run and return home to gaze in the mirror at your immediate results? Silly thought isn’t it? Well, meditation is the same way. It’s like building a muscle up slowly, and over time, you reap the benefits. What you will begin to notice is a feeling of calmness and more balance. Issues that used to annoy you may not be such a big deal. You’ll be able to ride the waves of life with more ease and grace. And, perhaps with a little more fun. Who couldn’t use more fun, right?

Meditation lowers stress hormones
Current research shows that meditation helps balance the stress response in the body. When stress levels go out of balance, cortisol and adrenaline levels increase. Cortisol and adrenaline are stress hormones, in excess, they cause a pro-inflammatory state in the body.

Why is inflammation so bad?
Inflammation is the root cause of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and cancer. Inflammation can also disrupt the digestive system and weaken your immune system. This is not good for your body.

Adrenal Fatigue
I find that many of my patients have been in a state of long-term stress to the point they are experiencing Adrenal Fatigue. This is when the adrenals can no longer respond to stress and the person feels extreme fatigue, even with 7-8 hours of sleep. It’s becoming an epidemic in my opinion because of the constant onslaught of stimuli and the need to respond immediately.

So, what have you got to lose?

Doing meditation in the morning upon waking as well as before bed can give you the most bang for your buck. In the morning you can set your intention of the day and in the evening you can bask in the gratitude of a day well lived.

Just breathe

Remember, you don’t have to OM, chant or light candles to reap the benefits. Just some simple deep breathing will do the trick. If the monkey mind shows up, just acknowledge it and return to breath. It’s that simple. Trust me. If you have trouble just breathing and quieting your mind, try just repeating a single word that resonates with you, such as love or peace. There are now several great apps for assisting and supporting regular meditation. I like Calm and 10%Happier.

Meditation before bed
Your brain is going to work out the issues of the day and focus on your last thoughts for the next 4 hours as you sleep. So be mindful and choose your thoughts before sleep. This will not only improve the quality of your sleep, but you’ll also wake up happier and with better energy.

“The way you fall asleep is the way you wake up.”
There’s a lot of truth in that saying.

If you need help with any of this, I’m here to support and guide you. Have a great week. Donna

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