What’s the best hangover cure?

Celebrating the new year often comes with consuming a wee bit too much alcohol and waking with a mouth filled with cobwebs and a jack hammer banging in your skull. So what is the best hangover cure?

Well, with these strategies you won’t have to suffer (as much). Be prepared and arrive at the party with a nice full belly. Eat a dinner of protein and fats. This will have you feel full and keep your blood sugar balanced. With food in your tummy, have a drink. When you are full, you’ll drink that beverage more slowly. Take time and savor it. After that first drink, have a glass of water or sparkling soda with lime. This will keep you hydrated. The primary symptoms of hangovers are caused by dehydration and your body ridding itself of toxins.

If you do wake with a headache, nausea or other signs of too much alcohol, start with a cup of warm lemon water. Do not try the “hair of the dog” remedy as it will only extend your hangover symptoms, maybe even into the next day. If you don’t feel you can eat, have a cup of ginger or peppermint tea. Both have calming effects on the tummy and should get your appetite going. Eat some mild and easy to digest foods such as toast with a little honey or a fruit smoothie. After getting some liquids and food into your body, take your multi-vitamin. This will help replenish lost nutrients. If you’re a regular coffee drinker, you might want to have a small cup to see if it helps your headache. Your head can be pounding due to dehydration as well as caffeine withdraw. Plan to take a nap or make it a very restful day. Alcohol disrupts your ability to get sound sleep so you may wake in the morning sleep deprived and hungover. If you are feeling up to it later in the day, get out and take a walk in nature. Plan the day as a detox day. So eat only nourishing whole foods that are easy to digest. Simple things such as chicken and rice soup, or miso broth.

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