I just don’t have time to exercise!

“I just don’t have time to exercise.” I hear this quite often from my patients. Do you have 10 minutes? Well, that’s all you need to get started exercising. Are you thinking, “how is 10 minutes going to make a difference in getting my body in shape?” Well, that’s a great question. The point of starting with 10 minutes is to just get started. Everyone can squeak out 10 minutes sometime during the day. If you’re looking to improve strength and mobility, burn tons of calories and fat, then you may want to visit a good place like strongandfit.com for more info!

Just 30 Minutes

[tweetthis]Recent studies have shown that working out for less time, say 30 minutes per day 5-6 days per week can be more effective than longer work-outs just a couple of times a week.[/tweetthis]

Anywhere, anytime

Workouts don’t have to be done in a certain place or a particular time. Have you thought about doing lunges on your way to the bathroom? Maybe a few push ups before stepping into the shower? The thing about working out is once you start doing it in little bits, your body starts feeling better and stronger. Then you start doing it in longer bits more regularly. Before you know it, you’ll be hopping around and working out 20-30 minutes at a time.

Make it a habit

The key to making lasting change is to connect a new behavior to an existing one. Like flossing before brushing your teeth. Drinking water after you eat. Try putting on your workout clothes first thing when you get up and doing 10 minutes while you brew the coffee.

Here is a quick 10 minute circuit:

10 push-ups, 20 squats, 12 lunges

Rest minimally between sets and repeat all three exercises until you’ve reached 10 minutes. Make it even better and add some fun music to get your spirits going. Maybe when you finish you won’t even need that cup of coffee! If you want a more toned body after exercise or want to lose more fat, then you can try treatments such as body sculpting or CoolSculpting in Chicago, IL, which you can find via services that provide body sculpting in Las Vegas, NV or liposuction in Arcadia, CA.

Stay healthy.


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