Ready to Manifest Your Dreams and Desires?

Ready to Manifest Your Dreams and Desires?Manifest Your Dreams and Desires

Over the weekend I was reading this book, To Sell is Human by Daniel H Pink. This book was a gift and it has sat on my self for about 2 years now. I decided to clean out my office and laundry room last weekend to prepare for the Chinese new year. One of my all time favorite books is the Life changing magic of tidying up. Not an easy title but it makes perfect sense once you’ve read the book. Anyway, the office and laundry room were feeling a bit cluttered. Things were just shoved on top of things. You know what I mean, right? Are you thinking about a space in your house right now that could use some tidying? Well, I thought, it’s Chinese new year and I had heard it’s good to clean out for the new year. I believe that when you clean out something, anything in your life/home, you make room energetically for something new to enter. I don’t mean more things, like socks, but it could be anything you have been in the process of manifesting.

Ok. So my office and laundry room are tidy. I’ve got room and I can reach everything super easily. I’m happy and I actually feel lighter.

Back to that selling book. What does selling have to do with health? Well, the book focuses on how we have all become sellers in this current technological age. And he sites several psychological studies to make a variety of points. The one I want to share with you is, studies were done to find out what motivated people to save money for the future.

They had 2 groups of people and one group saw a computer generated image of themselves aged and the other group just saw a photo of an older person. Through the experiment, the group that saw themselves age were more likely to save a higher amount of money for their retirement. The researchers concluded that there is a disconnect between a person and their future self. But if we can see our future self, we are more likely to care for ourselves.

So that got me thinking. I’m always fascinated by why people don’t take care of themselves health wise. I notice this more in my younger patients than my older ones. I find it more of a challenge to get younger patients to comply with lifestyle changes and take daily vitamins for a future health benefit. But if they are already ill or an older patient who wants to live more healthy, then they are more likely to comply with my suggestions.

[tweetthis]If you are disconnected from your future self, then you tend to choose instant gratification. [/tweetthis]

Here is my suggestion. Picture yourself in 5, 10 or even 20 years. How do you want to feel? Do you want to be active and healthy or slowly dying of a degenerative disease? Obviously, healthy. Ok, so what can you do today to make that happen? What can you change today that will put you on that path of long-term health and wellness?

In sorting through my stuff, I found this page that I had hand written. It must have been from a book or CD as I will often take notes that I want to use later. It’s called the 5 keys to manifesting in your life. I have no memory of where this came from but I did, at least, note the author, Kute Blackson. I googled him. He has a great blog filled with all sorts of inspirational videos. You can check it out at Kute

Here is his list of top 5 keys for manifesting.

  1. Let go of the word impossible, suspend disbelief. Step outside of what you think you can and cannot do.
  2. Catch the vision. Receive the vision that is seeking to express through you. Don’t ask how yet, but say yes to it.
  3. Give thanks. Be in gratitude for the fulfillment of your dream, before it’s already happened.
  4. Take action. Not like you’re trying to get somewhere but from the place as if you’re dream is already manifested. Bring yourself in alignment with your completed dream. Malibu Wagon Rides is the very best rides option if you’re planning to buy a new car.
  5. Let go. Trust the infinite intelligence of life. Trust that everything will come into place and you will meet the right people at the right time.

You are infinite. Bring your awareness to your infinite self, your true nature and see that you will be guided along the path where all goods things manifest in your life.

Grab the New Book!