Throw out your DIET for the new year!

That’s right, throw out your diet for the new year. Personally, I don’t make resolutions. I do set goals and intentions. I also take time, with my family to appreciate all the great things of the previous year. Around the first of the year I get out one of those giant paper things that you use for meetings that stick to the wall and my son, husband and I all take turns remembering what we appreciated about that year. We write them on this large sheet of paper and then hang it in the hallway so we can read it throughout the year. It’s a great activity to do with the whole family. I feel it’s so important to take time to appreciate what you’ve done and accomplished and in doing this, it releases the energy for more good stuff to come your way in the new year.

[tweetthis]less than 14% of 50yo & 39% of 20yo achieve a New Year’s resolution. I have a better way[/tweetthis]

So, given that less than 14% of people over the age of 50 and 39% in their 20’s actually achieve their New Year’s resolutions, I have a better way to reach your health and wellness goals for 2017. Listen to my new radio show Health Coach Donna at on Thursday, January 5th at 11am or download to listen whenever you’d like. In my first show, I will be sharing my simple guidelines for a healthy diet so you don’t have to diet any longer. I’ll be sharing all my best health tips so you can easily make lasting changes in your life.

Grab the New Book!