Wait, You’re Going to Put That Coffee Where?

Detox Retreat

I spent all last week doing a Detox and Rejuvenation program at the Sanoviv Medical Institute in Rosarito, Mexico. It was the most amazing week ever! My days started early as the sun rose over the water of my ocean view suite. There are no curtains on the large sliding glass doors so that your body starts to get in the rhythm of the sun. And it does for sure do that.

Lemon Water and Exercise

I woke each day bright and happy despite the lack of caffeine. I dressed in the organic clothing provide by Sanoviv and made my way down to the tea bar with the other guests to start my day with warm lemon water with a dash of cayenne. If you do this as well, make sure you brush your teeth or rinse your mouth afterward as the acid of the lemon will be back for your enamel. From there we all went over to the meditation room where we were offered such classes as laughter yoga, energy medicine, and sound meditation.

Breakfast or Two

Next up was some sort of movement class. I had yoga, tai chi, Latin dance, stretching, and rebounder classes. It was awesome. Then on to breakfast. This was absolutely my favorite meal of the day because I got to eat like a Hobbit. I had TWO breakfasts. One was always a straight up protein such as eggs served with greens. The other was some sort of porridge such as oats or quinoa. On the porridge you could add nuts, nut milk, coconut flakes, honey, cinnamon, flax seeds, and hemp seeds. I was in heaven. What I also realized was it was set up to have us do intermittent fasting. Dinner ended by 6:30 each night and breakfast wasn’t served until about 8:30 in the morning. And, you know what? It really worked well with my body.

Supplements, Detox and Coffee

Since I was on the detox program I was taking a daily dose of the USANA Cellsentials as well as three Hepasil per day. Hepasil is essential for liver detox and health. Boy did they take detox to a new level for me. I had several detoxing treatments per day such as lymphatic massage, seaweed wrap, infared sauna, Thalasso pools, and YES Colon hydrotherapy. I joked with the others that I FINALLY got my cup of coffee but it was delivered at the end of the colon therapy in, you guessed it, my butt! Coffee helps detox the liver. I was thinking I might get all wired from it, but it had no such effect. Even though the thought and sometimes, the process of colon hydrotherapy is less than comfortable, I did feel pretty awesome afterward.

Healthy and Balanced Meals

The meals are all whole foods and lots of veggies of all types and colors. Lunch always included a protein of either fish, chicken or turkey with tons of veggies and salad. Dinner was usually all veggies. So I began my day with the largest meal and ended with the smallest, lightest meal. The best treat of all happens at 8pm in the tea room. Fresh coconut water. Yes, the real thing. It tastes amazing and it’s the only “sweet” thing there is on the menu so I made sure not to miss my daily 2oz ration.

DIY Detox Tips

I plan to repeat this course every fall, so if this sounds good to you, mark your calendar and budget for next October. I would love to have you join me. If this sounds like too much for you, then I would suggest these simple tips to detox at home. Especially now with the holiday season upon us taking some time to detox between parties and events can help you stay healthy and not pack on the extra weight.

  1. Eat less sugar between each holiday meal and party. Just cut it out and allow your sugar indulgences to only happen in the between parts.
  2. Drink less alcohol during the week. Save up your alcohol points for the holiday meal or party. Drink water between alcoholic drinks and enjoy your wine with your meal. Only drink with food in your stomach.
  3. Take USANA’s Hepasil and Cellsentials. Nothing beats the power of boosting your own body’s ability to be healthy.
  4. Take time daily to meditate. I don’t know about you, but during the holidays my mind is on overdrive with all the things I need to get done. I’ve committed to 10 minutes 3 times a day to keep me calm and balanced. Here is a quick meditation that I learned at Sanoviv.
  5. Take time to have fun. I know that sounds crazy, but how often do you get so caught up in the TO DO list that you forget about the TO BE list. Do less and Be more.

Happy holidays. Enjoy the people in your life and soak in all that love and good energy.
Thanks. Donna


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