You don’t have to compromise

good-health-and-vitality-energy-healthy-mind-and-body-icon-button-red-road-sign-arrow-300x230Compromise. It’s a word we hear a lot. In fact it seems that compromise is simply expected in daily interactions. However, at USANA there is one area where we don’t think compromise should be a part of your vocabulary –  when it comes to your health.

Compromise as a verb means to make concessions or to accept standards that are lower than is desirable. And when health is in question, compromise is unacceptable. That’s why we use only the highest quality manufacturing for our products. In fact, over 90 percent of our products are made in our facilities. As John Cuomo, USANA’s executive director of product development and technology, says, “This is our house. This is our business. And nobody else is going to take care of it if we don’t.”

The same is true of your health. Your body is your business. If you don’t take care of it, who will? You should not be willing to lower your standards. Why spend the money on supplements to improve your health if those supplements are not of the very highest quality? USANA wants to be a part of that healthy life you are looking for.

As you make the effort to adopt healthy lifestyle changes that will improve your quality of life, remember that compromise does not have any place. Expect the most from yourself and from the supplements you use. You deserve it!

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