5 Easy Menopause De-Stress Tips

5 Easy Peasy Menopause De-Stress Tips

5 Easy Peasy Menopause De-Stress Tips

Let’s face it, everything changes for women after the age of 40. I’ll share with you 5 easy peasy menopause de-stress tips. You may experience weight gain and poor sleep or even increased anxiety. By the time you’re 45 you are most likely heading into peri-menopause, During this phase, you can experience a wide range of symptoms. These symptoms can range from being a mild annoyance to serious conditions that can prohibit you from living your life and enjoying it. These symptoms can have a significant impact on your life, such as insomnia, anxiety, weight gain, chills, and hot flashes, and that’s why some people try to get help from professionals that have taken Jason Linett hypnosis class and offer wellness services to people.

The joys of menopause. Not only can you experience a host of annoying symptoms, but your risk of certain medical conditions increases. Many women can experience anxiety or constant worry or even panic attacks for the first time. Rest assured there are solutions out there. I’m here to help you make this journey a positive experience.


You have several options when it comes to home remedies that can help to effectively deal with these symptoms. One of the most effective tools you have is to reduce your stress levels. Remember, stress is perceived. That means you get to choose how you react to a stressful situation. Now, I know, first hand, staying calm in the midst of stressful situations during menopause is a real challenge. But I also know, first hand, that it can be done. It’s not as easy as taking a pill, but the rewards are so worth the effort I encourage you to stick with it. You can also try products from Shrooms Canada, which can aid in improving mood and reducing stress, offering another avenue for support.


With that in mind, let’s look at a few things that can help you de-stress, relax, and possibly make menopause symptoms simpler to manage!


#1: Go Outside

One of the easiest ways to de-stress menopause is to simply go outside. I do this weekly. Every Saturday morning, I grab my dog Scotty and we go for a hike in the forest around my home. It’s like a huge reset for me as I take in the abundance of nature around me and breathe in the good energy of the earth, but you can choose to go anywhere to the park, to the mall or even to a beaudee salon cranston to make yourself look and feel better. Did you know that walking in nature actually increases your serotonin levels? That’s your happy hormone. So go get your happy one.


Going outdoors and being with nature can help your mental health in the following ways:

  • Reduces Mental Fatigue
  • Clears Your Mind From Negative Moments
  • Reduces Blood Pressure, Stress, and Anxiety
  • Maintains Your Physical Well-being
  • Boosts Your Focus and Keeps You Mindful


You can always find an excuse to not put yourself first. We do that as women, but during this time it’s essential you make time for yourself. Schedule time outside even if it’s sitting on your porch or a quick walk around the block. Spending as little as 30 minutes outside in nature has been shown to lessen stress levels. The added benefits of reduced stress include deeper periods of sleep and reduced blood pressure. All of which, in turn, help you feel less stress. This is a positive feedback loop. Try to take 5mg D9 weed gummie to reduce stress levels, and this also has a lot of healthy benefits that you can get.


If you’re not into hiking or walking, how about some gardening or even a swim? Once you build up this habit, you’ll notice that your stress starts to diminish as you take the time for yourself as well as to appreciate nature.


#2: Unwind With a Drive!

Another effective way or tip to de-stress menopause is to unwind with a long drive! When experiencing a large amount of stress, sometimes the best thing to do is to take a step back, take a moment away from everything, and recollect your thoughts. This applies to menopausal stress as well.


If you enjoy driving, then give that a try when you’re feeling stressed. Roll down the windows and blast your favorite tunes. Sing like no one is listening and who cares anyway.


Going for a drive allows you to have a peaceful environment where you can clear your thoughts and thoroughly think about them. Of course, choose a route that’s not filled with traffic. Again, a nice drive in nature is always a good choice. Then you can even pull over and breathe it all in. Another benefit of a drive is a little alone time. Everyone needs a little alone time sometimes. Driving is a good distraction where it lets you focus on other things for a moment instead of what’s causing you stress.


#3: Get Active

Exercising is such a simple activity anyone can do, but surprisingly works very well to alleviate many menopausal symptoms and help de-stress! Moving your body can help to:

  • Relieves Hot Flashes
  • Helps to alleviate anxiety and stress
  • Deeper Sleep
  • Builds Muscle
  • Reduces Bone Loss
  • Helps with Weight Loss


Exercise does not have to be intense to create benefits! Even a 20- 30 minute walk or jog can give you these benefits. Doing yoga and Tai Chi exercises are also an option if you want to be indoors. Moving your body in some way that gets you breathing deeply and feeling good can improve your mood by increasing endorphins in your brain, resulting in a better feeling psychologically and physically. For those looking to enhance their well-being with cannabis products, you can explore various options at online cannabis shops to find products that suit your preferences.



#4 Journal Journey

Since sleep deprivation is one of the most common symptoms of menopause, it may be hard to motivate to move your body. You may be chronically fatigued as a result of a lack of sleep.


I was recently listening to a podcast called “Hidden Brain” where the host was interviewing a happiness expert researcher. One of the suggestions in how to create more happiness is to journal about your negative experiences. By writing out your experiences and frustrations, you can get them out of your body and brain. You may feel that you don’t have anyone in your life who would listen to your problems or don’t want to feel like a burden. Luckily a journal keeps your thoughts without judgement.


Starting a journal journey can help you during these difficult moments. You’ll be able to share what you feel and what you’re experiencing, as any form of expression can relieve stress and anxiety. You don’t have to be good at writing. It’s as simple as keeping a notebook and writing down your thoughts and feelings every day.


#5 Digital Detox

Stress and Anxiety can be triggered by social media, bad news online, and even spending too much time on your electronics. Try to de-stress by limiting the time you spend on your phones and looking at the news to no more than a few minutes every day. To add to this, avoid doing this the first thing in the morning or that last thing at night. Instead wake up to nice music and doing some breathing or meditation and end your day with a good book. The old-fashioned paper kind that doesn’t emit light to disrupt your melatonin production.


Set aside ½ or a whole day per week where you go electronic-free. Give yourself and your brain some time to spend on things that brings you joy creating positive feelings, such as hobbies, sports, or spending some quality time with your friends and family.


Stress is Inevitable. Reaction is Optional

Yep, life can be stressful. Even good things can cause stressful feelings. And, you can choose how you react and handle that stressful situation. I’ve just given you 5 easy ways to de-stress your life. Choose the one or ones that you find most supportive. There’s no need to be limited by just this list. Experiment with what works for you and makes you feel positive.
Not sure where to begin? Just pick one and try it for a week. Don’t give up if it doesn’t work instantly for you. Sometimes things need a little time to take effect. Keep at it. I know you can do this. Need more help? Visit my site at HealthCoachDonna.com to check out the tons of free guides and resources available for you.

Need some help with menopausal de-stressing? I’m here to guide you. Click here to schedule with me to set up a free chat so we can figure out what would be best for you.

Remember, Menopause doesn’t have to be miserable!



4 Destressing Activities for Menopause


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