>Animals gone wild!

>So at about 1am I’m startled out of a sound sleep by screaming raccoons in the tree next to our deck. I jump out of bed and open the glass slider while flicking on the floodlights. The raccoons just looked at me like what do you want? So I yelled at them to knock it off. The ignored me and went back to fighting. So I yelled again to knock it off this minute. Then I pointed my wagging finger at them and looked them in the eyes. “Get out of that tree this minute!” And low and behold, I must have somehow begun speaking raccoon because they stopped and the one on the lower branch climbed down the tree.

My husband came into the room and I told him I was glad the raccoons listened to me, now I can get back to sleep. Only to be awakened at 5pm by my dog in a cat body, Marcus, marching back and forth across my head. “Feed me, feed me, purr, purr” chanted my cat. I tossed him off the bed a couple of times and he eventually settled down.

Back to my slumber I crept. Beep Beep. 10 seconds. Beep Beep. 10 seconds. I can’t believe the smoke alarm needs batteries at this moment. Yikes, what is going on today? I woke up my husband who got out of bed and got out the squeaky step ladder and pulled the alarm off the ceiling.

I checked the clock, 6am, ok I’ve got 1/2 hour. Maybe I should just give up and meditate? As I’m dozing a bit, Frida, our huntress cat, begins an acrobatic routine up the walls of the living room. Now what? I hope it’s not what I’m thinking. I flick on the light, yes my husband could have slept through all of the above mentioned activities, and there is Frida behind the sofa. I get down on hands and knees to peek under the sofa. Yep, just what I thought, a mouse. The little guy is panting and just far enough out of Frida’s reach. You guessed it, I woke up my husband. Frida’s got a mouse under the sofa, what should we do? Now my son is awake. We all go back to the living room. Frida is still frantically trying to catch the mouse. We open the sliders to the deck, block off the other exits and with a broom encourage the little mouse to run free! Of course Frida tracks the thing catching it again on the way out the door. We thanked Frida for her stealth hunting abilities and freed the mouse.

Now, of course, that mouse will most likely return. If he does, I think I’ll try to sleep through it and allow Frida to have her fun.

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