>clear out the clutter

>I was reading in “Ask and it is Given” last night about clearing out clutter. When we have too much stuff, we don’t have room for more things to flow to us. Our flow is all cluttered. I’m a fan of throwing things away that aren’t really needed. And it’s very rare that I throw something away that I wish I hadn’t. I trust that what I need will flow to me.

My son’s room as been a mess lately and he has so many toys, I feel overwhelmed. Last night, we all took 20 minutes to clean and organize things. I also made a pile of toys that he hardly plays with anymore. I told him that I’m going to put them in a box and if wants them, he just needs to ask. My plan is that in 6 months or a year from now, we will be able to donate them or sell them. I do the same thing for myself when I’m sorting clothes in my closet.

“We have talked of the feeling of sadness that feels empty. People often try to fill that feeling of emptiness with Stuff. They buy one more thing and bring it home, or they eat something; in other words, there are lots of creative ways in which you have tried to fill that void. And so, it has been our encouragement to some: Discard everything from your experience that is not essential to your now.” (Abraham)

So here is the method that Abraham suggests for clearing out clutter.
This is quick and easy. Take several boxes and put them in the middle of the room you want to sort. Get out some 3×5 cards as well. Number the boxes, 1, 2, 3, etc. Label the cards with the numbers as well. Then just start picking up things around the room and ask yourself, do I need this right now? Do I use this regularly? If the answer is no, put it in the box and write on the card that item. So if the old telephone goes into box number 2, on card number 2 write “telephone.”

Do this quickly and easily as you will not be throwing anything away. You are just sorting. Once you’ve completed the room, but the boxes away in storage, a closet or wherever you store things. Keep the cards in a place where you can refer back to them. Then, if you are looking for an item that is in one of the boxes, you can easily identify where it is via the cards.

After several months or years, if you don’t need anything in a particular box, it is then your opportunity to donate, sell or discard the items. Remember that your life has been free of clutter and, therefore, free of that resistance for the entire period of time.

As you continue the process, you will begin to relax in the knowledge that you now have control of your environment.

“Sometimes people will tell us that they are not bothered by clutter, so we tell them that this process is, then, unnecessary for them. However, since every piece of everything does carry a vibration, almost everyone really does feel better in an uncluttered environment.”

Enjoy uncluttering and feel your vibration flow.

Grab the New Book!