Detox makes your Skin Beautiful


Detox makes your Skin Beautiful


Detox for Optimal Health

Does detox make your skin beautiful? I would start with a detox. It’s one of the ways I was able to get rid of my sugar addiction and improve my skin. By taking a specific amount of time to get unhealthy foods and habits out of your life, you’ll be getting on the path to optimal health. Optimal health means slowing the aging process which, in turn, gives you healthy-looking skin.

My First Detox

I did my first true sugar detox program when my son was about 5 years old. My detox lasted for only 5 days so I stepped timidly into it believing that I could do almost anything for 5 days. I did it and you know what? I couldn’t believe how much-hidden sugar I was consuming in my daily life. Sugar sneaks in as carbs as well as hidden ingredients in processed products. I drank healthy, clean smoothies along with nutrient-dense veggies. I slept better, I lost weight, and my skin looked better. It was awesome.

Stress and your Liver

I also didn’t realize what a big player the liver is when it comes to detoxification. Yes, everything needs to go through your liver to be transformed and used or excreted. Things like alcohol, caffeine, skincare products, medication, trans fats (found in store-bought baked goods), and refined sugars, all tax the liver function. The liver also has to process substances that naturally occur in the body such as cholesterol and estrogen. The first stage of detoxification in the liver needs vitamin B to occur. When your body lacks enough nutrients, it can’t do its job well. And if you’re stressed, ha! Who isn’t? That stress depletes your body with vitamins B, zinc, and magnesium.

Liver Supplements

If you want to do a supported detox, just go to and send me an email. I’m happy to offer several options for you. Now as far as supporting your nutrients and your liver function here is what I do with myself and all my patients. I take high-quality, pharmaceutical-grade supplements. They have an amazing multi-vitamin that not only has optimal levels of nutrients but is also designed in a way that communicates with your own cells to help them do their job even better. Wow! Next, take a liver support supplement. I use one from the same company, USANA. By the way, never buy supplements on Amazon. It’s not safe and you’ll be overcharged. If you want to get safe supplements at wholesale prices, just go to and email me. I love Amazon for many things, supplements are not one of them.

Hepasil DTX™: What You Need to Know 

Hepasil DTX™ is a carefully formulated blend of antioxidants aimed at supporting and maintaining your body’s second-largest organ: the liver.

The main ingredient is milk thistle extract—one of the most powerful currently known antioxidants. Milk thistle helps increase the amount and activity of several antioxidant enzymes involved in detoxification (including superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the glutathione peroxidase system).

Other important antioxidants in Hepasil DTX include alpha-lipoic acid, green tea extract, turmeric extract, and Olivol® patented olive-fruit extract. Olivol is a patented extract that contains antioxidant polyphenols derived exclusively from olives. Each helps protect multiple enzyme systems in the liver and provides secondary antioxidant protection to the rest of the body.

Take care of Your Body

Now, I find that pretty darn awesome. I’ve been taking Hepasil for years now and I love it. This is how you get optimal health and vibrant-looking skin. Yes, it will take some effort on your part to move your body, get good sleep, drink water, and eat whole foods. Taking nutritional supplements is the new norm in optimal health. I had a patient who asked, “Do I have to take these forever?” I answered, “Only if you want optimal health.”

So, take your nutritional supplements daily.  Not all supplements are equal so if you’re going to put something in your body, why not make sure it’s the absolute best you can get? Your body is like a high-performance car, would you put a high-performance fuel in the tank or fill it with lead or mercury? The sad truth is, those toxic substances can be found in some nutritional supplements; and not just the cheap ones.

Join me for Detox

Optimal health and vibrant skin are not magically manifested overnight. Pick one thing that you can do today to start working toward optimal health. Can you take a USANA supplement, drink more water or can you go to bed earlier? If you want to jump all in, join me in a 28-day detox. September and October are great times to reset your body, shed the unhealthy habits you acquired over the summer, and get your mind, body, and spirit ready for the holidays. It’s all downhill from Halloween to New Year’s. You know what I’m talking about. Reach out to me at and let me guide you through the process. I look forward to supporting you toward optimal health.

Grab the New Book!