What to do when you’re feeling a bit…off.









What can you do when you’re feeling a bit off? You know those days when you just don’t feel quite yourself. You can’t move fast enough in the morning, you poke yourself in the eye with the mascara brush, or you knock over your coffee before you even had your first sip. We’ve all had these days. Maybe you didn’t sleep well or maybe you ate poorly the day before, or maybe you just can’t pin point the cause of your off feeling.

I interviewed Dr. Colleen Campbell on this subject and she had some really wonderful perspectives on what to when you are feeling a bit off. Here is a link to her blog on the subject. Feeling off.

Here is a link to the podcast on iTunes.

[tweetthis]Bottom line is that when we are in a tender, raw, or emotional space, for whatever reason, this is when to let up and take it easy.[/tweetthis]

I hope you enjoy both and find her tips helpful on those off feeling days.

Dr. Colleen Campbell helps smart people achieve more, be it in their careers, their relationships, or those who just want to get un-stuck. She is the founder of the Ignite Your Potential Center in San Francisco (Best of Yelp, #1 Life Coaches and Career Coaches for four years) and in Santa Monica where innovative coaches and counselors help busy professionals have more fulfilling careers and lives. Check out their website to read about the team and sign up for a complimentary session with one of their coaches/ counselors directly here.

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