Menopause starts earlier than you think

Menopause starts earlier than you think

Menopause starts earlier than you think

Menopause starts earlier than you think. Menopause is considered by many to be the most challenging period in their life, and this life-changing process starts with Perimenopause. This is the period before menopause begins. In this phase, your ovaries will gradually produce less estrogen. This can begin with a variety of, sometimes irritating, symptoms and will continue until you’ve gone 12 months without a period.

Perimenopause can begin as early as the age of 40. Research also suggests that the perimenopause phase can last up to 10 years. During this period, you may experience several symptoms that include lack of sleep, mood swings, weight gain, or anxiety. It’s your hormonal shifts that cause all of this.

During this time, you are still able to get their period, but they can get a bit wonky. Sometimes you’ll skip a cycle and sometimes you’ll have 2 periods a month. Irritating, right? This is one of the main reasons why medical professionals also find it difficult to diagnose when perimenopause really began as it can often be confused with other medical conditions.

Understand What’s Happening First

Knowledge is power, especially in this case. Being well-informed is one of the essential steps to making your menopause journey more accessible and a positive experience overall. It pays to be prepared. It is vital to understand and be aware of what is occurring to your body during this period.


With Perimenopause lasting up to 10 years, the changes in your body’s hormonal levels will bring several symptoms that might confuse you. You may experience irregular periods, fatigue, anxiety, sadness, and lack of sleep. All of which are common symptoms of other illnesses as well. It can be very confusing.


Even with Dr. Google, you may feel like you’re sleepwalking into menopause and not really certain what is happening in your body. I’m here to help you sort through the info so you can make the best choices possible to feel your best through menopause. So say goodbye to Dr. Google and keep reading. If you are curious about what exactly your hormones are up to, then I can offer you a DUTCH test. It’s super easy and very informative. It’s a simple at-home urine test that will show you exactly where your hormones are even cortisol which is your stress hormone.



Why Can Perimenopause Be So Difficult

Well, menopausal studies are not always done well. If you want to read more, take a look at “The Menopause Manifesto” as she breaks down the problem with hormonal studies. But her nutrition info is unfortunately not current. Many doctors are still using old data to inform patients about hormones.


This makes it challenging for you to get the appropriate help. If you have hot flashes, your ObGyn will prescribe hormonal therapy. This can be very helpful but can have risks. There are several herbal options and lifestyle changes that can reduce hot flashes, but your doctor will not be able to help you with those options.


This leaves you to do your own research. And, if you’re like many, who has the time to do that? Let alone know where to start and who to trust. Your hormones are in a monthly fluctuation that can send you all over the map emotionally. This can be a very difficult time.


Hormonal Change

Low estrogen levels and progesterone are the main culprits of everything you’re feeling or experiencing right now. It’s difficult for you to feel crazy as you struggle to understand mood swings, exhaustion, and weight gain that has suddenly appeared overnight. You may feel sad, stressed, and anxious as many things are piling up simultaneously.


Furthermore, Perimenopause also significantly impacts your energy levels, focus, mood, and libido. Because estrogen is crucial in how your brain consumes fuel, this results in low brain energy. The often abrupt decline in estrogen, which fills your tank with serotonin, the feel-good transmitter, causes mood shifts during Perimenopause. Serotonin levels drop as estrogen levels decline during Perimenopause, which can lead to depression. There are many ways to naturally increase your serotonin levels like walking in nature and having a good laugh with a friend, as well as daily exercise.


Your doctor may not understand this

Perimenopause can be hard to diagnose by your conventional doctor. So what often happens is you get prescribed anti-anxiety or anti-depression medications, when you really need some hormonal support. Always ask for hormone testing to make sure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision. Since you’re still menstruating, your doctor may not even think of perimenopause.


That is why it is essential for you to be knowledgeable about Perimenopause to share your concerns and ideas with your doctor. If you feel what your symptoms are may be perimenopause, then it’s a good idea to consult your doctor and do a hormonal levels test. With this test, you can determine which hormones are out of balance and see if the problem is your estrogen or progesterone levels. With these results, your doctor will have a clearer picture of what may be causing all the symptoms you may be experiencing now.


What to Take Away

At the end of everything, I want to empower you to ask questions and seek the support that you find helpful. Being armed with knowledge will help you make the best decisions for yourself. Internet Dr. Google is fine to start but only goes to trusted sources. Also, reach out to friends and family to ask them about their experiences. Remember, the more information you have, the more powerful you are.


Feel free to search my blog for posts that cover your issues. If you can’t find it, email me at And remember, visit my site for more info on balancing your hormones with my 5-day RESET program. (

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