>Seventh Chakra

>This is the last chakra. After this one, go back to the root chakra and start again through the whole system. We are going to do it 3 times total so that would be 21 days. After that we will switch to another program for 21 days. That will equal the 42 days to abundance.

Sit comfortably and for the next 5 minutes feel any of your resistance to true self. Does any fear come up around this? Experience your need for divine support. Allow it to fill you and then expand and dissipate.

For the next 5 minutes, feel your desire for true self. Feel how fully you desire divine connection. Experience your tendency to seek greater knowledge. Recall any incidents of this and allow it to fill and expand in your body and then dissipate.

For the last 5 minutes, feel the gratitude for the enlightened being that you are. Feel gratitude for your past, present and future experiences of enlightenment.

Now carry this gratitude with you throughout the day.

To be is a question of surrender to Being.

Grab the New Book!