>Statement 4, days 25, 32, and 39

>In my everyday activities I fully relinquish
my previous attachment to the “doer” or the “doing”.
I now allow all activities to flow from Source,
that calm, centered state of Being that I AM.
My life is now unimpinged with any resistance due
to my prior mental habit of attachment to results.
Due to this shift in awareness,
all my activities now flow in a
well-balance, Graceful manner,
allowing even greater abundance to flow through me.

Everyone has at one time or another experienced the accomplishment resulting from free flowing activity. Things just seem to happen with total synchronicity.

The calm, centered state of I AM could be cmpared to the screen in a movie theater. The screen has no investment in the pictures. It just allows them to move across its surface. However, when the pictures come to an end, the screen remains. Therefore, the all-encompassing screen represents a far greater state of bundance than the pictures that are by nature limited.

It is wise to be like the screen which does not get emotionally hooked by the experiences moving across it. It remains the same no matter what pictures move across it.

Grab the New Book!