>The better it gets the better it gets

>How many times a day do your thoughts turn negative? How often do you just spiral down from one negative thought to the next and before you know it you’re wondering why did I ever date that guy 10 years ago? I was watching a PBS special and this guy called this process ANTs; Automatic Negative Thinking. Abraham-Hicks states that we are lazy thinkers. I find this to be true for myself. I also hear patients tell me they can’t stop the thoughts.

I’ve been working with a new, to me, thought process over the last several months. And it seems to be working for me so I thought I would share it with you. I know that everyone has their own process and maybe this one might be in alignment with you.

When you have a negative thought, just stop in the moment and ask yourself why. Why am I having this negative thought? What am I not allowing to come in? Am I being challenged to grow and expand? Maybe things are going well so I’m just waiting for it to go bad. See what comes up for you. Sometimes nothing comes up for me, but what I’ve done is changed the moment to an awareness. I remind myself I get to choose how to feel and react.

At this point, I replace the negative path with a positive one. I might be working with an affirmation such as the better it gets, the better it gets. Or I might fill the space with appreciation. There’s nothing like appreciation to shift your energy. What are just a couple of things you love about your life? What is going really well for you? Focus on those things and more will come.

Try this and I can assure you, the better it gets, the better it really does get.

Grab the New Book!