>The Joys of Jury duty

>So I have been avoiding jury duty for ages at this point. I’ve had very acceptable excuses; having a baby, nursing, completing acupuncture training. With the new move to Marin county and registering to vote, I must have popped up to the top of the list as a new potential juror. So months ago, I scheduled it for today.

I so much didn’t want to believe it was the first of June that yesterday I was convinced that today was surely the 31st of May. My husband assured me that, yes, it’s the 1st and you have jury duty.

I was feeling really ugh! about this process. I’m in the middle of a busy work week. I’ve got 2 seminars that I’m busy promoting. I’m learning to effectively Tweet on Twitter. How could I possibly carve out time to sit and wait to be interviewed for jury duty?!

I’ve got this thing that I do when I know I don’t have a choice in the matter. I just tell myself, I’m going to just move forward and enjoy the experience. There really is no other choice for me. I mean, I could feel miserable about the whole thing, but what good would that do?

I arrive on time at the court house and stand in line to register for jury duty. In the process, I strike up a conversation with the guy in front of me. We bond over Major Dickenson’s blend of Peet’s coffee, which we were both just fantasizing about. In the end, I gave him my card as he had some health issues that he was concerned about.

When I finally made it up to the registration counter, I greeting the clerk with a smile and asked him how his day was going. He stopped for a moment, as the question seemed to surprise him. He answered “OK, how’s yours?” I said something like great and looking forward to the adventure of the day. He said I was the first person to say that all day! I thought to myself that anything can be an adventure and filled with fun, so why not jury duty?

As I sat there and names were called off for the jury selection process, mine was not one of them. I had a good feeling I would not be called. Then then woman announced she was waiting to hear from the courts the status of juror selection. I just sat and typed the outline for my seminar knowing that everything was going to be great. Just as I set my intention for the day. And it was, she said it was our lucky day and we were free to go. She also suggested buying a lottery ticket as this is a rare event.

This was a long way of saying, that setting the intention for the day can make all the difference. Yes, I was lucky and got out early, but I was happy and fine through the whole process. And that was my intention.

Tomorrow morning as you are getting ready for your day, set your intention and enjoy the joyous creative process.

Grab the New Book!