>Why do we feel the way we do about money?

>Take a moment and write down your first memory of money.

Then write down what you heard in your family about money when you were growing up.

Now, write down what your current issue is with money.

Can you see a link? We have a programming that was set about money from the time we were very young. That programming set about feelings that turn into actions.

So now that we’ve made the link, how do we change it?

How do you change any thought process? By choosing a better feeling thought. So when you find yourself in your regular money thinking pattern, stop and breathe. Really, take a deep breath in and hold it for 4 counts then exhale for 8 counts. Now, what do you want to feel about money? Choose that thought and run with it. Have fun thinking great thoughts about money and your own prosperity. Soon those new thoughts will take over the old ones. Maybe not overnight, but slowly you will notice a shift. Enjoy it and feel the abundant prosperity.

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