Burn Calories and Build Strength by Swimming

Burn Calories and Build Strength by Swimming

Swimming is Fun

There’s no doubt about it. Swimming is a favorite activity among children and adults of all shapes and sizes. Whether you’re playing a classic game of Marco Polo or perfecting your backstroke, a dip in the pool is as fun as it is refreshing.

Burn Calories and Build Strength

But did you know that swimming is also a great way to burn calories and build strength? Gliding through the water works multiple muscle groups, and a one-hour swim session can burn hundreds of calories. Plus, all that stretching and kicking helps your body stay flexible, a quality that grows increasingly important as you get older.

Improves your Mood

All of that movement is good for your mind, too! The natural endorphin rush felt from a great workout can really boost your mood, leaving you feeling happy and energized. The combination of rhythmic breathing and synchronized body movements relaxes the brain for a very yoga-esque feeling of calm. Even better, research shows that swimming reduces damage caused by stress and can also help fight depression.

Great for your Skin

Ready for a special bonus? Swimming in salt water is great for your skin! Salt water boosts skin’s moisture retention and promotes new cell growth for healthier, softer skin. Healthy skin is happy skin, and salt water can reduce irritation while treating conditions like psoriasis and acne.

So what are you waiting for? Slip into your favorite suit and get swimming! Your body and mind will thank you.

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