>21 days to abundance

>So at this point all of you should have done the meditations 3 times through the Chakra system. If you have not, that is where you need to start. See the root chakra in my earlier blogs.

This is the first statement. It should be done on day 22, 29, and 36.

The universal Life Force energy I AM
is the very source and substance
of true SELF.
It is who I AM.
My physical form is the fountain
through which the vibration of true SELF flows; through which my whole universe manifests.
I turn now to that source of infinite prosperity,
which is the true source and substance of all.

the way this works is you spend 15 minutes on this. focus on the statements as you please. It can be done sitting, standing, or walking.

Abundance is not something you find outside of yourself; it is a state of being that you experience in your mind.

The first step to realizing abundance is to wake up to the fact that true Self, the Divine essence within us, is who we truly are.

Grab the New Book!