>Statement 2 days 23, 30, and 37

>I now turn all I thoughts inward
to the one Universal Power that
is individualized as me.
recognize that all ego driven I thoughts such as:
I will do this, I have decided that,
I do not want this or I want that, are mind games
which lead to more suffering,
because they separate me
from True Source or Self.
Therefore I turn now to Universal Life Force Energy
in total trust
to look after all my needs.

As core self we discover ourselves to be the source of infinite prosperity, the very substance of all there is. Then we see how old patterns of focusing on I separates us from universal source energy. Every want I voice implies that I don’t have. For true abundance to manifest, the cutting off of source must stop.

With new found trust, I know without a doubt that all needs will be provided. Turning within, I drop all thoughts of separation and turn toward the universal power which I am, to look after all my needs.

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