>Day 38, throat chakra

>Sit in a comfortable position and for the next 5 minutes, imagine, picture and feel any difficulties you have in speaking your truth. Recall any experiences where you didn’t speak your truth, either through omission or falsehood. Allow the feelings to expand and then dissipate.

In the next 5 minutes, feel your desire for true communication. Feel this desire fully and completely. Think of people who you would like to communicate your true feelings. Imagine, picture and feel yourself doing this. Now feel it completely and fully, expanding and then dissipating.

In the last 5 minutes, consider all the times in your life when you were able to communicate your truth. Feel it fully and appreciate it.

Carry the feeling for gratitude throughout the day and whenever you communicate your truth.

True communication can only happen when you know how to listen. Attend to the habits that inhibit you from listening to your inner voice. Once you are connected to your truth, it becomes easy to speak it out appropriately. Communication is important in manifesting abundance. As we speak our intentions, the universe aligns with this.

Grab the New Book!