>Day 39, the Heart Chakra

>Welcome those of you who have been joining me in the daily process. If this is your first read, start with day 42 as it is a sequential process. Enjoy!

The fourth chakra, the heart. Sit comfortably and for the next 5 minutes feel any feelings you have that you are unworthy of receiving love. Experience them fully and completely. Is it difficult to feel unconditional love or how much are you afraid of it? Recall any specific events around this issue. Feel the emotions fully and allow them to expand until they dissipate.

In the next 5 minutes, feel your desire for approval and for unconditional love. Experience it fully and completely. Think about any experiences when you have compromised yourself to gain approval. Feel the emotions fully and allow them to expand and dissipate.

In the last 5 minutes, think about all the instances in your life when you encountered true and unconditional love. Feel the gratefulness of the experience.

After completing, carry this gratitude into the way you feel and express love. Let it be expressed throughout your day.

Abundance does not exist without love. Love energy is the central energy of the universe. It is the heart chakra, the middle, where the more physical/emotional lower energy centers meet with the more refined forces of the higher energy centers.

Whenever you attend lovingly to your emotions of sadness, anger, or despair, feeling them fully, allows them to dissolve.

Unconditional love is the highest form of abundance.

Grab the New Book!