>Experience the thoughts and resulting emotions that block the flow of abundance in the root chakr

>The root chakra deals with physical manifestations. It’s your survival energies. If you carry any fear about lack, then your root chakra will inhibit your flow of abundance. When you acknowledge your feelings, the resistance dissipates.

Sit in a comfortable position, your spine erect. For the next 5 minutes, think of all your resistance to abundance and allow the feelings to come up. What did you hear about money in your house? “There’s never enough.” “We can’t afford that.” “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”

Experience the emotions and allow them to expand and dissipate.

For the next 5 minutes, think and feel all your desires for things you want in your life. Feel it with enthusiasm. What are all your desires and goals for the future? Feel it throughout your body and allow it to expand and dissipate.

Now, for the last 5 minutes, feel gratitude for all that is in your life. Experience all the abundance and appreciation for all the good that comes to you. Feel it throughout your body and allow it to expand and dissipate.

Now, carry this feeling of appreciation with you throughout the rest of the day.

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