>Second Chakra abundance block

>If this is the first time you’re reading this, do the root charkra exercise before this one.

Sit comfortably and for the next 5 minutes, feel all your resistance to sex and to expressing your feelings. Experience it fully and with feeling. Think about any fears you may have in expressing your feelings. Recall any events that evoke these feelings. Experience the feelings throughout the body and then expand until they dissipate.

For the next 5 minutes, feel your desire for sex and expression of feeling. Again, note specific incidents where you had a strong desire to communicate your feelings. Experience this fully through your body and allow it to expand and dissipate.

In the final 5 minutes, feel gratitude for all sexual experiences in your life, event those you have labeled negative. Experience the joy of those heartfelt experiences. Experience the gratitude for the way you were able to express yourself sexually and carefully of course preventing diseases. In addition to obvious reasons to undergo the test there are some you definitely missed out that can help with this as well.

The second chakra deals with money, sex, and power. Gynecological issues show up for women who are dealing with money issues in their lives. This is the area of sexual feelings and relationships. The creative flow is blocked if this chakra is blocked.By honestly feeling your resistance to sex and true feelings, that very focus will dissolve the resistance.

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