>How do you stay healthy?

>At this time of year, I see many of my patients coming in saying they are feeling like they may be getting sick, people in their office are sick or they have been sick. It’s the time of year when colds and flus swirl around us and when your immune system is low, you are more susceptible to catching whatever is going around.

I wanted to offer some tips for staying healthy as well as what to do if you do get sick. Eat lots of healthy food on a regular basis. During the holidays we do tend to eat foods with more refined sugars as well as consume more alcohol than normal. So eating well whenever possible will help. Get lots of good sleep. That means getting to bed between 9pm and 10pm. Earlier hours of rest have shown to be more restorative and rejuvenation.

If you are feeling a bit sick, drink honey-lemon with fresh ginger tea. I find this to be soothing and helps a sore throat as well. Take your probiotics, multi-vitamins and get even more sleep. The other big thing is don’t go into the office sick. It will only expose others to illness and make your cold linger longer. And lastly, get some acupuncture. It can be amazingly helpful when you have a cold.

Here is a link to a website that I like that has even more tips on cold and flu season strategies.
How to prevent colds naturally

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