>More Positive Energy, Success and Love

>Now, don’t we all need a bit more of that in our lives? I was reading The Big Leap last night and underlined this sentence “the essential move we all need to master is learning to handle more positive energy, success, and love. Instead of focusing on the past, we need to increase our tolerance for things going well in our lives now.”

Wow, this is so true. It reminded me of the 5 steps to increasing happiness that I wrote in m last newsletter. The first is to write 3 things you appreciate that happened in the last 24 hours and you can’t repeat things. The second is to write down happy experiences in your life in detail. Relive them and feel the energy fill you up.

One of the biggest issues that stops our ability to expand into love and success is our false belief that we are fundamentally flawed and don’t deserve success. These old beliefs pull us down and keep us in a zone that is more familiar and comfortable. And then we wonder why we are not succeeding in our goals and desires. Why does the law of attraction not work? I watched the Secret, it looks so easy.

You will only attract what you believe you deserve. Changing that belief is the work. We all have desires that we want to manifest. Clearing the areas that are stopping that true belief in yourself is where the work starts. There are many paths through the clearing process. I like the book The 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse. I also like  EFT, Tapping Away Resistance.

Find whatever it is that works for you and start cleaning out the resistance and get in alignment with your vision for what your life can be.

Grab the New Book!