Do these questions sound familiar?

Post Its - Do these questions sound familiar?


Where are my keys? What did I come in here for? What was I going to do? Now where did I put my glasses? And the list could go on.

Everyone forgets something now and then. But are you getting a little concerned about the frequency with which you find yourself asking those questions?


[tweetthis]Some memory loss is normal. It may be related to stress, age or simply having too much to remember.[/tweetthis]

There are, of course, some simple solutions: making a daily to-do list, always putting your keys or glasses in the same place (which works great unless you can’t remember where that place is!), retracing your steps until you remember what you were doing.

Some Tips

But there are some steps you can take to help support your memory.

  • Exercise is important. Physical exercise can help with memory. For example, aerobic exercise can increase oxygen flow to the brain.
  • Cognitive activity will help your brain stay sharp. Kind of like exercising your brain, these activities can help keep your memory sharp.
  • Include supplements in your health routine. For example, Ginkgo-PS™ has a unique formula to support acute memory function and cognition. Ginkgo biloba has long been used to help with memory.

If you think you have a medical condition, visit your doctor; but if you want to do something to support good cognitive function, exercise, do cognitive activities and supplement your diet.

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