You have the Power!

You have the Power!

You have the Power!

You have the power! As a woman, society can have many expectations of you. From being sexy and independent to being a wife and mother. Not that those are mutually exclusive but the reality is you don’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations. You can decide not to get married or not have kids and that doesn’t mean you’re not serving your purpose, or whole in some sense. If you have found your purpose and motivation in life, your “ikigai” then you are in your power.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines ikigai as “a motivating force; something or someone that gives a person a sense of purpose or a reason for living”. Ikigai is a Japanese concept meaning “a reason for being”. Our world is evolving and the role of women in our world is also evolving. Not too long ago, in the US anyway, women’s sole purpose in life was to be mothers and housewives, but that is no longer the case, in many places in the world, but not all.

When you know your purpose, it will motivate you. Hopefully, this motivation will enable you to pursue your desires in life rather than fitting into some old concept of what a woman’s role is. The world is so much more connected now and with that connection, you can be inspired to grow into the woman you want to be. Letting go of judgments of others, as to what you can achieve, can be challenging and also very freeing. Women are holding roles in life that were traditionally only accepted for men. The challenge will hopefully lighten as you find your ikigai and therefore your independence. Unconditionally loving yourself, no matter what, is essential.

If you desire to take care of animals rather than humans, so be it. Being a mother is powerful, and so is not being one. Power is not defined as being able to give birth. Power is being who you desire to be in the world. Power is not only physical but also emotional, spiritual, financial, and more. And you are powerful.

Whatever path you choose, it is the perfect one for you. You are strong. A woman who chooses her own path isn’t full of pride, she is a woman of her own words; a woman of independence. A woman who listens to other people’s advice is just as strong as a woman who can stand on her own. Being a strong woman doesn’t depend on whether or not you can go through challenges alone. Remember, there’s strength in facing your fears and there’s strength in admitting you’re scared. What makes a woman strong is the fortitude she has to never give up. With or without help, if you decide to live with what you think is right, YOU are a strong woman.


Women Who Made an Impact on the World

Through the years, women have made a huge impact on the world. There’s literally a list of the most powerful and influential women in the world. One of the most influential being Oprah Winfrey, who the people around the world give credit for the so-called “The Oprah Effect”. The Oprah Effect refers to the boost in sales whatever, whoever, whichever Oprah endorses. It’s even tagged by the people on the internet “whoever Oprah blesses, gets blessed”. Oprah is so influential that whoever or whatever she says is good, people will believe it and will try to buy it or try to support it.

Amelia Earhart was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Flying a plane was a territory only known to men before Amelia took it on.

Augusta Ada Lovelace was the first-ever programmer in history. Ada didn’t just dethrone men from their expertise, she created it.

And also, MacKenzie Scott:

An American novelist and philanthropist MacKenzie Scott top this year’s (2021) World’s 100 Most Powerful Women ranking by replacing former German chancellor Angela Merkel, who ranked first for 15 of the prior 17 iterations of this list. Currently, MacKenzie Scott is the world’s most powerful woman according to Forbes list.” (Source: IndianTimes)

It is without a doubt, women are influential and powerful. These women made huge impacts on the world, and so can you. You don’t have to do something historic or newsworthy to be powerful, you just have to follow your passion. Very few women are actually recognized for their contribution to the world. That’s how it is now, but hopefully not so in the future. Stay focused on what you want to do in your life. Follow your path and everything will fall into place for you. If every amazing woman was written about in books, the world will run out of paper!

Making an impact in the world doesn’t mean you have to be rich or famous. Making a great impact starts with you. Help one person and inspire them. That person will help another, and another, creating this ripple of helping each other, spreading like wildfire.

You don’t need to be famous, you don’t need to be well known, you just have to have find your ikigai. Then those around you will be inspired to do the same. And that’s how we have a world filled with powerful and inspiring humans.

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